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Serenity Wars
Serenity Wars Overview
Overview for Serenity Wars
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Topic: Overview for Serenity Wars (Read 9815 times)
Posts: 21
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Overview for Serenity Wars
January 21, 2013, 10:23:56 am »
Serenity Wars is a new type of RTS Shooter where you are able to progress your empire to amazing hieghts to take over the galaxy. You start off with a city that you have to build up. You are able to walk around your city in a first or third person view of your choosing. You build your buildings through certain build points on the map. Once you start building an army you are then able to attack other players. When this happens you choose the player you want to attack and then you have to wait possibly 5 minutes to give the other player time to acknoledge you are attacking them. Once the 5 minutes is up you will be whisked into a battlefield according to the planets environment and other various things. You will play against that players AI troops in a first or third person style shooter where you can control vehicles, mounts, and even artillery weapons. The enemy player if they are online may also join the battle. Each side will start off with about 15 to 20 troops each. There will be different kinds of game modes as well such as capture the flag, domination, conquest (where you take over the persons city), and many other types. There will also be space battles, Sea battles, air battles, and of course ground battles. We will possibly even put underground battles on the game. You will be able to create an alliance as well as join a faction. Now here's the difference between alliances and factions. Players will choose a faction at player creation. Each race has a set number of factions fighting for control of the race. Once you choose a faction and start building your city you may create an alliance. Once this happens players around you may join your alliance. There will be a set number of alliance members. At the end of a certain time period the top three alliances will fight for control of the faction you chose. Once an alliance wins they control that faction and can start attacking other factions to control the other races. Alliances a long with factions will be able to have massive wars to determine the winners. For alliances the alliance leader starts a war on a certain date and on this date the war will begin. The war will last 24 hours and it goes like this: There will be a set number of AI's for each alliance and players may join in the battle to take over an AI's place. For instance if there are 20 AI's per allinace (40 total players) then say 5 players on alliance A joins the battle then there will be 5 players and 15 AI's for alliance A playing in the battle. The alliance with the highest score at the end of 24 hours wins and the other alliance may merge into the winning alliance or go about its seperate ways. Meaning the losing alliance will have to disband. Once an alliance becomes the winning alliance they will then control 1 faction of the race they chose. Other players will then be able to join the faction and a cap will be set for players who are able to join. The alliance leader of the winning alliance will become the faction leader. Factions may then attack other factions which will begin a faction war. For each war a faction wins they will gain territory from the enemy faction. Once all of the enemy factions territories are taken they take over that faction and the member cap grows allowing more members. Once all factions of that race fall to one faction then the winning faction will control that race and may attack other races and the other races factions.Once a faction controls the whole universe then the game is won and those players are given rewards for playing until the end of the game and winning it. Once you win the realm a powerful and large AI race will appear and a battle will commence for domination of this race. If you beat the AI race you will get even greater rewards and put into the hall of fame until someone beats your score. Even if you lose the AI race you still win the realm. However you will get an achievement for winning the realm and even beating the AI race ( there will also be a few realms where the testers and employees will be able to take control of the AI race to battle the players).Realms will reset after exactly 1 week and new realms will open up after a certain time period. New expansions will also be coming out. There is also an offline mode for this game for players who are unsure of whether they want to play online and play a monthly fee. Offline mode will consist of different modes of game play such as campaign, skirmish, and possibly others. Campaign mode will be a story mode that introduces the concept of the game. Skirmish will be similar to online play but a smaller shorter timed version. Skirmish can consist of playing with AI's or even up to 4 actual players. You will also be able to earn achievements for both online and offline that can be used to buy things and unlock new items in the online market. This game will be launched in 2-3 years so please Stay with us for updates.
Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 02:19:36 pm by Cerrivess
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Re: Overview for Serenity Wars
Reply #1
January 29, 2013, 11:47:38 pm »
I don't know if you've played XCOM, but including strategy elements you might find in XCOM or Final Fantasy might attract more people. You could still control your character real time, but you could pause to direct your troops where you want them to attack. Just a thought, but it could add a cool element to the fighting gameplay
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Re: Overview for Serenity Wars
Reply #2
February 20, 2013, 06:06:48 pm »
Turn based, TPS is a common feature, and it is pretty good, Its not quite real time. RTS means they move while you are moving too. (kinda like in Assassins Creed and you have a target trying to get away from you.) But yes, that is something to think about. Perhaps instead of moving individual soldiers you can move formations of soldiers in Turn based mode.
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Re: Overview for Serenity Wars
Reply #3
February 25, 2013, 05:26:58 am »
That was te plan all along. Lol we are implementing a commander view
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Erebus Kore Gaming
Serenity Wars
Serenity Wars Overview
Overview for Serenity Wars
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Overview for Serenity Wars
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